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  • What is the club membership like?
    The current membership is a good mix of families, young professionals, and seasoned sailors. Most are local to the area, some are keen racers, some like to potter with a picnic basket on a sunny afternoon, and there are some serious yachties with boats in the Solent or Mediterranean who love the simple pleasures of the Twickenham riverside and the warm welcome that is to be found there.
  • How do I become a member?
    There is no secret, you just need to visit the clubhouse for a chat and meet some of the other members. There are members about on Wednesday evenings and Sundays, either sailing or socialising at the bar. We just ask that you sign the visitor’s book at the top of the stairs to the bar. ​ If you like what you see and experience, the next step is making a formal application for membership and gathering the required Committee and member signatures. You are welcome to make subsequent visits to the Club to get the necessary endorsements. Once completed and with Entrance fee paid, your application will be put forward for approval at the next committee meeting (held the last Tuesday of each month). Your interest in the sailing and cruising activities of the Club will be the main criteria for approving membership; owning a boat is not essential. One of your signatories will say a few words about you or/and your family. It is not necessary for you to attend.
  • Do I need some kind of qualification to join?
    One of the wonderful things about sailing and cruising is that anyone can buy a boat and set sail. Of course, good seamanship is very much admired. Poor boat handling can be hazardous to other river users and is therefore frowned upon. We encourage learning to sail safely and offer a range of courses and support to set you off in the right direction.
  • How much does it cost to be a member?
    Single membership is £110; full family membership is £165 for a year. We also offer free membership to students under 25.
  • What if I can't sail?
    TYC is a recognised RYA Training Centre, offering training at a reasonable cost for both members and non-members. We run separate courses for adults and kids 8-16. In addition, club members with owned boats often need crew so this is an informal way to get involved and start to learn the basics.
  • Do I need to buy a boat?
    TYC owns some boats that can be used by members to learn to sail. We do hope members will buy their own boats after a reasonable period. Depending on what you want, a boat can be acquired for as little as £300. An alternative to owning a boat outright is joint ownership with another member. Crewing in a double-handed dinghy is another option.
  • Can I store a boat at the club?
    TYC has a secure dinghy compound where members can store their dinghies at a small annual fee. Cruiser moorings are also available.
  • Which types of boat do you recommend?
    It is best to get a class of boat already sailed at the Club. As we are river-based, there are some restrictions on boat classes sailed. The basic rule is monohull dinghies without trapeze up to 4.6 metres (15ft) in length. There are active National 12, Enterprise, and Solo classes.
  • When can I sail?
    If you have your own boat, you can sail anytime at the Club. We just ask that you demonstrate good seamanship, and actively reduce obvious risks. Always wear a buoyancy aid, check the tides and weather, ensure that your boat is in good condition. Never go out in conditions beyond your ability.
  • What equipment do I need?
    You will need a buoyancy aid. If you are on a Club training course, this will be provided. Wear clothing suitable to the weather conditions. Always have a change of clothing just in case you go for a swim! For dinghy sailing, a pair of sailing gloves, dinghy boots, and a spray top are a good starting point. If you want to be out in all weather, salopettes, a wet suit or dry suit are good ideas. For hot, sunny days, a rash vest with UV protection is advised. If you wear glasses or sunglasses, a restraining strap will prevent them being lost overboard.
  • When does the club race?
    Racing is generally every Sunday from March - December, timings vary depending on tides on occassion but generally 1030/1100hrs. If you want to crew you should show up at the dinghy park earlier. Click here for the race schedule. During British Summer Time, racing also takes place on a Wednesday evening
  • Do I have to enter club racing?
    No, TYC welcomes anyone who enjoys sailing no matter whether their preference is for racing or sailing. However, we do believe that the best way to improve your sailing abilities is to sail in a fleet with other boats. Club racing gives you the ideal opportunity to do this.
  • How is racing organised?
    Sunday racing is Class racing for the 3 main classes, with a Handicap class for any other boats such as Quests, Toppers, and Mirrors, when less than 3 boats are registered. Wednesday evening summer racing is handicap racing with all boats starting together and results calculated according to the PYs.
  • I'm keen to get involved in the cruising section, what is involved?"
    Many members have their own motor boats, moored either at the club or elsewhere on the river. There are opportunities to jump aboard their boats for the Cruiser calendar events.
  • What RYA courses does the club offer?
    A list of courses can be found on the training page - click here. For dates of courses, please contact us (website booking in development)
  • What prices are the RYA courses?
    Course prices can be found on our website - click here.
  • Does the club offer the ICC (International Certificate of Compentance)?
    For information specifically on attaining the ICC please go to the RYA website. By achieving your Power Boat Level 2 qualification from TYC, you'll then be able to apply for the ICC certificate (which requires a seperate form and is administred by the RYA).
  • What facilities does the club have?
    On the lower deck (which is open to members all the time), there are toilets, showers and changing facilities along with a galley which has tea/coffee available for a small donation. The upper deck is where our Bar is, which is open on a Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon. Storage of boats is between our Upper and Lower dinghy parks.
  • Where can I park my car?
    Parking restrictions do not apply on Sundays or after 6.30pm on other days. The bar sells Parking Permits which allow you to park in the resident bays when necessary. Beware the road is prone to flooding so remember to check the Spring tide!
  • What do I need to know about tides?
    The Port of London website is full of information; knowing about the Richmond Lock/Weir, maintained level and the winter draw off is essential for local users.
  • Would I have to do duties?
    TYC is run by the members for the members, so everyone is expected to assist in the smooth running of the Club. As racing is a key Club focus, all adult members are required to carry out some duties, such as Support Boat operator or Race Officer, during the year. Duties are allocated on a rota basis, approximately 3-4 times a year.
  • When is the club open?
    If you are a member you are able to access the Lower Deck of the Club and dinghy parks whenever you wish. The Bar is open on a Wednesday evening from 2030hrs and on a Sunday from 1300hrs.
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